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SIERA Club Repeater at Leviathan Peak

Who we are

SIERA is an acronym for "Sierra Intermountain Emergency Radio Association".

We are a charitable non-profit corporation for education and scientific purposes that provides organization and training of licensed amateur radio operators so they are capable of maintaining radio communications, as a public service.

If you are a licensed Radio Amateur or are interested in becoming a licensed Amateur,please look over the many links on this website and feel free to contact us for further information.

Use the menu links above to navigate the SIERA webpages.

The SIERA club operates a 2 meter repeater at 147.330 Mhz atop Leviathan Peak in Alpine county California. Specifics: SIERA Repeater NV7CV Operates on a Frequency of 147.330 MHz, PL: 123.0 Hz, Offset: +600 Hz